possibilities together
What is a good next step for me?
How do I regain my vitality and energy at work?
I want something else - but I don't know what...
Am I in the right job?
What other options are open to me, given my talent?
Let’s say you have been doing the same work for some time now: you hold a position within an organisation or work as a free agent. You are happy but underneath the surface, a question bubbles: 'am I still in the right place or is it time to move on?'. For example, because you want to do more with your talents. Or because you find your work takes more energy from you than you get out of it. That is a good time to see a career coach.
What suits you?
In this time of infinite possibilities and opportunities, Kessels & Smit invites you to stay focused. The goal of career guidance is to help you become aware of where you are now, how you got here, what your unique strengths are and what you need to stay happy in your current role or in a different setting. By exploring these questions, new perspectives for your career emerge, that can function as a guide for the next step.
Space for your talents
In every coaching conversation you will find space, to be yourself and to catch your breath: it's about your story, as a professional and as a person. That's why we don't just look at your chances and possibilities, but also address the question: how you are doing. From - literally - your posture to your feelings: do you feel strong or not? Do you still do what you want? Do you work in the way that suits you? Does your work have 'meaning' as in: does it make you happy? Gradually a range of possibilities will unfold. You may then switch jobs, choose a completely different sector or radically change your current work. Or even stay where you are, but with a different mindset and more peace of mind. Everything is possible.
Choosing your coach
The professional coaches at Kessels & Smit are pleasantly different. What we have in common is our personal involvement, our strengths-based approach and a way of working in which the initiative really rests with you as coachee. We have all studied basic theory and techniques of the coaching profession, such as strengths-based working, systemic perspective, solution focused coaching and voice dialogue. We also have our own specialisations. Some people like to make walks in nature, others are adept at making powerful systems configurations. Some like to work with leadership questions, others with life questions. We know that a ‘click’ with your coach is the most important success factor. So we always encourage you to choose your own coach. Someone who fits you and what you want to learn.
Career guidance at Kessels & Smit is an investment in yourself. A place where you (re)discover your purpose and your talents in such a way that you can shape your work so that it energizes you (again). You (re)gain authorship of your career. New insights and (self-)awareness will make you feel reborn as a professional.